Role of the State Ministry of Cooperative Services, Marketing Development and Consumer Protection - Development Division

  • Supporting in the formulation of policies related to the area of Co-operative Services, Marketing Development and Consumer Protection in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations to establish a "Consumer Protection and Strong Co-operative Movement".
  • Implement a program to create a strong and efficient trade network with novel and innovation technology
  • Building and reorganizing the co-operative movements as a profitable co-operative institutional network under a diversified business model in line with specific priorities expected to be achieved
  • Establishment of a comprehensive, valuable production co-operative system in areas related to agriculture, dairy, fisheries, indigenous agricultural products and minor export crops and creation of a direct market through cooperative and Sathosa trade networks.
  • Encouraging young and women entrepreneurship and manufacturing cooperative to develop export-based value-added business
  • Allocate responsibility for manufacturing cooperatives to introduce raw materials, capital and markets for traditional industrial products
  • To set up a cooperative Development Bank by all cooperative societies are working together and contribute to all cooperative societies with the objective of enhancing the welfare of the people living in different strata of the economy and the development of the local rural economy through encouraging their savings and investments.
  • Expanding the market for local agricultural products
  • Implementation of the national cooperative policy to build strong cooperative movement
  • To expand the co-operative movement to a wide range to provide quality service to the entire Sri Lankan community.
  • Implementation of policies, programs and projects related to the cooperative sector.
  • Implementation of the special projects relevant to the Cooperative Department.
  • Implementation of special projects relevant to the scope of the Ministry.
  • Conducting activities related to build an export economy regarding the “National Policy Framework of Vistas of Prosperity and Splendor”.